We know SSH'ing and probably many knows about SSH tunnel. The way, in my opinion, these 2 (SSH and SSH tunnel) are different to me (and I am in favor of SSH Tunnel) is how I use it. From tooling perspective I would almost always do tunnel instead of direct ssh.
In this post I will describe how to do SSH tunnel for kubectl to interact with remote kubernetes cluster (Specifically Tanzu Kubernetes Grid aka TKG cluster).
Get the project ready to go from my github: https://github.com/alinahid477/vsphere-with-tanzu-wizard
- Backstory
- SSH tunnel for TKG Clusters using Docker container
- Technical stuff: Tunnel through Bastion for TKG K8s cluster
- Technical stuff: SSH Tunnel for Kubectl for remote K8s Clusters (same with or without docker)
- Technical stuff: Explain me this
- A famous quote from Darth Vader himself: "Feel the power of SSH Tunnel"
Why ssh or ssh tunnel?
The below diagram shows in what scenario a SSH or SSH Tunnel almost becomes a necessity.
Let's start with what is SSH tunnel? SSH tunneling is very simple. It opens a listening socket at one end. Whenever anyone connects to that listening socket, it opens a corresponding connection from the other end to the configured location, then forwards all information both ways between the two, over the SSH link. (An answer from Stack overflow that resonated well for me).
If SSH Tunnel had a physical form, this is how it would have looked like (I think):
My usecase
In my last post I described a private k8s architecture for a few micro-services. For refresher, here's the diagram:
In this diagram, my jenkins cluster is ready with Jenkins control running + permission to spin workers on it, my workload cluster is ready for taking deployments of the applications from Jenkins pipeline. But before I reached to this ready state below are some of the tasks/stuffs I needed to do on the clusters to have it prepared for applications deployment:
- Jenkins control deployed
- Jenkins permissions (RBAC) configured (so it can spin workers and deploy on other cluster)
- Ingress controller prepared
- Secrets, ConfigMap provisioned
- etc
Why bastion host?
It is a very common (and widely adopted) architecture pattern to have a bastion host in a private network scenario.
In my case, I had few TKG (Tanzu Kuberneted Grid) clusters in my private cloud (Based on vSphere7) that I need to access for things like
- prep cluster for application. Such as namespace creation, policy configuration, RBAC, PVC, Secrets, Ingress setup etc.
- prep cluster and deploy Jenkins (see VMW/calcgithub/jenkins repo)
- test my application on dev k8s cluster before I created automated CICD for it.
- I just like to do kubectl on cluster for fun. and many more reasons.
Problems with private clusters are:
- There's no way to access it without getting on to private network.
- to 'access pvt k8s clusters' I could
- Either get on to a VPN (this is a lot of work for network admin)
- OR access a bastion which is inside the pvt network but has an external ip. (bastion is simple and easy to setup). In my case the pvt network is completely inaccessible even with VPN. Bastion's "external ip" is only accessible via VPN.
Thus bastion host is a great way to access private k8s clusters. Bastion host itself to do 'bastion'/'jumpbox' stuff does not need much (eg: only need lean linux, ssh server, firewall, pub key etc); doesn't even need GUI or any standard linux tools either.
What is the problem with SSH'ing directly into bastion?
Although bastion is a great way to access private network's resource (in this case k8s cluster) there are few issues with directly ssh'ing into it, which are:
- toolset: I need kubectl and kubectl-vsphere installed on bastion. I need VScode so that I nicely edit/create yaml files for my k8s stuff. I need nano. I need less. I need chrome to google stuff etc etc. In order to use them I need lot of prep on bastion and then bastion will not be bastion anymore it will become another giant VM.
- laggy connection: Typing on shell prompt where the letters appears after I typed (I type fast bro!!) is simply annoying and frustrating. Infact I loose productivity just because of it.
- files transfer/files: I create k8s files in my machine using VSCode just like a project source codes. Infact some k8s files are in my application source code (eg: deployment.yaml) that I do plan to use during CD pipeline BUT I at initial stage so I will deploy using kubectl deploy for now. Transfering these files back and forth (as I make changes to these files) between my dev machine and bastion host is a HASSLE I will avoid at all cost. It hinders productivity significantly, boils frustration --> just not nice. I have 100 problems to solve and don't want this one to be one of them.
So, what's the solution? = Tunnel through Bastion
Use ssh tunnel through bastion instead of ssh'ing into bastion. Use all the tools, files etc that you need and keep them on your dev machine/container/vm/git BUT exetue commands to remote private k8s cluster. Also avoid the annying laggy connection issues.
Life is short -- type fast, save time by avoiding transfers, vi (cause I hate it), use VScode --- enjoy coffee, not just drink it.
SSH Tunnel for TKG K8s cluster using Docker container
But this is a container (not laptop). Why so?
My reasons are:
- I treat container just like a VM but only very light weight.
- This way my dev projects do not get mixed up with dependencies and burden my host machine / laptop.
- The only thing in need on my host machice is docker; that's it.
- With VScode remote debugging I feel absolutely 0 difference that I am doing live dev in container.
- I can change my host machine and get my dev environment going in 10 mins time.
- My dev environment are super portable with container.
- If I mess up things I simply destroy the container and re-create it (it's like having a 'eraser for life')
- They run the same on windows, linux, mac. So I can do dev either on work machine or personal machine makes no difference and best part: I dont need a dev environment setup on any; just build docker and I am ready to go.
So use this k8stunnel container for tunneling and enjoy the difference. This is like providing you with a bootstrapped environment for TKG cluster tunneling through bastion.
Get the project ready to go from my github: https://github.com/alinahid477/vsphere-with-tanzu-wizard
What's different with tunneling for TKG K8s cluster?
kubectl through bastion tunnel is pretty common and widely adopted practice. Then, why am I writting this post? Well there's a tiny difference (more like a 'how it is with TKG clusters') with TKG k8s cluster when tunneling though bastion compared to a vanilla k8s cluster. (AND this is true for any managed clusters scenario).
TKG clusters uses SSO authentication for vSphere users (with different roles of course). Hence, unlike vanilla k8s cluster there's no client-certificate-data
and client-key-data
under users
section for any user
entry in the .kube/config
file. kubectl-vsphere
generates the .kube/config
file during kubectl-vsphere login
using sso user login. This process generates a token
instead of cert-key for users. It also needs an additional 443 port forward for login purpose.
Hence, the tunnelling process is tiny bit different TKG clusters.
Tunnel through Bastion for TKG cluster
- create a ssh tunnel to tkg/"vSphere with Tanzu" management cluster for login
- login using kubectl-vsphere login (vSphere sso)
- the login will generate .kube/config. Edit this to point to k8s Subject Alternative Name DNS.
- create a ssh tunnel to tkg workload cluster
- That's it. Use kubectl as you normally would on your local machine but execute these kubectl commands to a private remote TKG k8s cluster tunnling through bastion.
Some prepwork for this dev container
RSA file for ssh (optional)
if you do not use insecure password based ssh, use pub/pvt key instead. in this case
- I generate key pair (public and private).
- uploaded the public key file's content to my bastion host's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (or upload .pub file and rename to authorized_keys. file permission should be -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu where ububtu is the user I used to ssh. to ~/ is ububtu's home dir)
- placed the private key file (id_rsa) in .ssh/ directory (which is volume mounted to container)
NOTE: to avoid unprotected private key error do chmod 600 tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa
(this is already taken care of in the Dockerfile)
Create an empty .kube/config file here
do touch .kube/config
inside tunnel directory. Check "login to k8s workload cluster" section to know why.
Read the docker file
the docker file is doing few things
Docker file here: https://github.com/alinahid477/vsphere-with-tanzu-wizard
Build & run docker
cd tunnel
docker build . -t k8stunnel
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/root/ --add-host kubernetes: --name k8stunnel k8stunnel /bin/bash
Captain obvious says: You only need to build once, then just keep running it to use it for your tunneled kubectl.
The docker run command will run the container and open shell access in the container.
From here onwards we will execute all commands inside the container (using he container's OS debian:buster-slim shell).
SSH Tunnel for Kubectl for remote TKG pvt Clusters
Create tunnel through bastion for login
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -4 -fNT -L 443: ubuntu@
port:443--> 443: --> create a tunnel for port 443 in localhost to talk to remote's (, which is tkg management cluster ip; grab this ip from vSphere > Menu > Workload Management > Clusters > Controlplane node ip address) via bastion host
This tunnel will allow to login into k8s cluster via vsphere sso login using tkg management cluster.
Login to k8s workload cluster
kubectl-vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server kubernetes -u administrator@vsphere.local --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-cluster
This will put content in .kube/config file or if you haven't created an empty file called config in '.kube/' it will create one, but if it is created by kubectl-vsphere then you won't have view/edit permission from host computer (your laptop). In my case I created an empty .kube/config (note: .kube is also volume mounted to container.)
Edit the local kubeconfig for kubectl tunnel
This is so that instead of connecting to the remote k8s cluster endpoint it connects to localhost (because when ssh tunneling is established the localhost will be listening to the port and it will pass through to bastion host and reach to k8s cluster endpoint)
Please note: we are only modifying the kubeconfig (.kube/config) locally (in this case this file only exists for my container). It does not impact anything on the k8s cluster.
In the .kube/config file the tkg workload cluster's ip was --> Change this workload cluster's endpoint ( to the workload cluster's Subject Alternative Name DNS
called 'kubernetes' (with the docker run command we are already binding to kubernetes in /etc/hosts; thus pointing to localhost; check nano /etc/hosts file).
ONLY change the entry under clusters.server
. which in my case, before I changed, looked something this like:
DO NOT CHANGE any other occurances of in the ./kube/config.
For example:
before change:
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <dacted cert data>
after change:
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <dacted cert data>
server: https://kubernetes:6443
Create tunnel through bastion for kubectl'ing on workload cluster
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -4 -fNT -L 6443: ubuntu@
port:6443--> 6443: --> create a tunnel for port 6443 (which is also k8s default api endpoint port) in localhost to talk to remote's (, which is tkg workload cluster's ip; grab this ip from .kube/config file generated by kubectl-vsphere) via bastion host
That's it
After this you should be able to do usual kubectl. Test by running
kubectl cluster-info
orkubectl get nodes
orkubectl get ns
You should be able to see response from your remote k8s cluster.
Get the project ready to go from my github: https://github.com/alinahid477/vsphere-tkg-tunnel
Explain me
Explain the tunnel params?
- is my jumpbox. And the username to ssh (tunnel) is ubuntu.
- ssh tunnel using privatekey (bastion has the public key in its .ssh/authorization_keys file)
- -fNT -L --> where
- f=forks to the background
- N=tells ssh not to execute any command after it connects to the remote server
- L=local port forwarding
- -4 enforces ssh to use ipv4
- Since k8s api endpoint is at 6443 (default) so I am going to create a localport 6443 and listen to
- finally the last param is the accessible ip of the bastion. (in this case this ip is my company's internal ip, hence I can only access this when I am on VPN. Your bastion's accessible ip will be different)
Why use Subject Alternative Name DNS instead of
If I had edited it to '' instead of 'https://kubernetes:6443' (because at the end of day we want the kubectl command to execute against the localhost so that localhost can port forward to remote host) it would have thrown this error: unable to connect to server: x509: certificate is valid for, not
. This is because the cert that's associated with k8s cluster endpoint doesn't know anything about, so it's rejecting it.
I resolved this issue by
- using Subject Alternative Name DNS in the .kube/config --> this way kubectl/k8s endpoint will check cert validity against DNS name (which the cert knows about. How? see How did I get the cluster's Subject Alternative Name DNS? section)
- having kubernetes
entry in the/etc/hosts
file. (I did this during docker run command usingadd-hosts
param). By having this entry in the host file I am essentially enabling so 'kubernetes' is resolved to '' which forwards to '' on 6443 port via bastion (
How to get Subject Alternative Name DNS for k8s cluster?
Usually all TKG k8s clusters shold have the below Subject Alternative Names DNS entries:
- kubernetes
- kubernetes.default
- kubernetes.default.svc
- kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
- kubernetes-control-place- (which you can get by looking at the controlplane VM name of the cluster)
I chose 'Kubernetes' becuase I am going to do this tunnelling in a docker container (meaning I will only use this container most likely for one cluster only) I could just use kubernetes and not worry about conflicting with other clusters.
If you want to double check this for your cluster you can do so by:
- ssh'ing into the controlplane node
- ssh into bastion host (aka jumpbox).
- follow this documentation here for ssh'ing into controlplane node: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/vmware-vsphere-with-tanzu/GUID-37DC1DF2-119B-4E9E-8CA6-C194F39DDEDA.html
- AND inspecting the apiserver.crt file.
- once you're logged in then run the following commands:
cd /etc/kubernetes/pki
ls -l
--> and notice the apiserver.crt in the directoryopenssl x509 -noout -text -in apiserver.crt
--> inspect/check/see the content of the cert.
- the apiserver.crt contains a section
x509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
. Under this section see DNS entries (comma separated). 'kubernetes' should be one of them
How to get workload cluster's k8s api endpoint =
Good question. After the config file is created inspect/read the config file and you will figure out your workload cluster's endpoint easily. There's basically 2 signs (either of the 2 will disclose what's the workload cluster's endpoint):
- Only 1 cluster entry under
section withcertificate-authority-data
. The rest are withinsecure-skip-tls-verify: true
. This iskubectl-vsphere
's doing because we told it to--insecure-skip-tls-verify
so for management cluster entry is assignedinsecure-skip-tls-verify: true
and it auto created a cert and auth token for user for workload cluster we specified via--tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name
(which is in this case tkg-cluster). - Under
section find thecontext
= our workload cluster name (tkg-cluster). We supplied the cluster name via--tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-cluster
. Notice the value ofcluster
here. This should be the workload cluster's IP .
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