I usually don't watch the Morning Show on channel 7 unless I am in a waiting room or with my girlfriend, in both cases changing the channel is beyond my reach.
This morning I was in the airport waiting for my flight and as usual the morning show was on TV in the waiting room. I came across this weird interesting topic, as the title of the news was "Beauty and a Geek -- Victoria's secret model and codes in spare time". Similar subheadings kept rolling in at the bottom of the screen as the interview went on. I will quote few of those "part time coder", "she codes in her spare time", "beauty with brain ( well this one wasn't a heading but something similar that the reporter said )".
Seriously WTF !!
Is it only me or everyone can spot why I am ranting about this ?
I will point it out just in case:
1. Using words/terms like "coder".. is so wrong. This is 2014 .. Seriously who says words like that? And I'm unaware of such job description or title existing in reality, literally. I think a news reporter should know what he/she is saying on air.
2. "Part time coder" , "code in spare time" -- to me it sounded like "coding" doesn't involve any previous planning or concept, it's just like you get on a computer whenever you are on a coffee break in between your main important job like modeling or marketing or news presenting, ( that's what and how they showed in the video ) and start typing that no one else other than a "coder" understands. If it were 1996 ( the age of website creator or webmaster ) I probably wouldn't have this hard time digesting it. But it's 2014 and my grandma uses an iPad.
So in summary the reporter guy has successfully managed to make me ashamed of my profession as well as insulted the model's talent and passion for programming.... Yes, I think the term used should have been programming. He used "coding" ... ( face palming my self ) what the fuck was he thinking?!
Now that I have pointed out the terms that ashamed me I can rant about some groups of individuals that annoys me on a daily basis. This involves both the people who "codes" and the people who say "coder".
Seriously WTF !!
Is it only me or everyone can spot why I am ranting about this ?
I will point it out just in case:
1. Using words/terms like "coder".. is so wrong. This is 2014 .. Seriously who says words like that? And I'm unaware of such job description or title existing in reality, literally. I think a news reporter should know what he/she is saying on air.
2. "Part time coder" , "code in spare time" -- to me it sounded like "coding" doesn't involve any previous planning or concept, it's just like you get on a computer whenever you are on a coffee break in between your main important job like modeling or marketing or news presenting, ( that's what and how they showed in the video ) and start typing that no one else other than a "coder" understands. If it were 1996 ( the age of website creator or webmaster ) I probably wouldn't have this hard time digesting it. But it's 2014 and my grandma uses an iPad.
So in summary the reporter guy has successfully managed to make me ashamed of my profession as well as insulted the model's talent and passion for programming.... Yes, I think the term used should have been programming. He used "coding" ... ( face palming my self ) what the fuck was he thinking?!
Now that I have pointed out the terms that ashamed me I can rant about some groups of individuals that annoys me on a daily basis. This involves both the people who "codes" and the people who say "coder".
The first group (the self proclaimed "I code" guys):
Type1: Okay .. so, you really wanted to learn "the web" and took some online or hands on training courses on "Drupal", read a lot of really good tutorial and have successfully made few fully functioning Drupal based "Website"s. Now you call yourself a "Drupal Developer" or in worst (yes, i have heard people calling themselves by this title) "I code in Drupal" (face palming my self again).
If you are a talented guy/girl and actually mastered the art of programming even in PHP .. "Bravo", "Good on you", "Well done" .. you're really good at what you do .. but please for humanity's sake do not call you self a "Drupal Developer". Drupal is just a CMS/framework made using PHP.
Type2: If you're one of those who uses "Drupal Modules" for every single problem by applying and configuring it (probably in advanced scenario applying patches) even though it's easier to write one that meets according to the needs then shame on you sir. You are deliberately insulting people who chased being a "programmer" as their career, have earned degrees or are really talented and good at it. The drupal blog is so flooded with people like "I use drupal module" and full of unnecessary questions and dumb answers that sometimes it becomes difficult to find the right answer. If you can not run a for loop properly go learn "programming for dummies" before to start posting on a drupal blog.
I made an Alarm Clock when I was in 10th grade using VB and following some step by step tutorial published in my local news paper .. sure, that was cool .. but that did not make me a programmer or developer.
Type3: Then there's this other breed of programmers who are cheap .. I'm not questioning your credibility. You are probably "the talent", you have degree, you have years of experience ... but on an online job bidding sites you bid only $10 on a product which is clearly a $100 worth. Just because you can or are happy with that low amount doesn't give you the rights to make the market as cheap and ruining it for everyone else. It's like just because you like wearing a PINK T as a guy you are making everyone in your family wear that regardless whether it actually would look good or fit the taste of the other person. You give people like "hommer simpson" the confidence and heavy tone to call a programmer/developer and say "I give you $10, you make me a website .. yeah ? or I go to the next guy" without any respect. This is not a wholesale sunday fruit market where "hommer simpson" can bargain with such tone. You have invested potential amount of time and money to be as good as you're today, what's the point in cheapening that ?
NOW the 2nd group (people who call developers/programmers "coders"):
You meat heads need to realize that it's not 1995 any more and things have changed, we've come a long way since then. Stop picturing "Programmers" as the "fat dude sitting infront of his computers", fashion models as "brainless bunnies". Just because I don't push pens and papers and don't require a personal secretary to take my notes does not mean I don't have a real job. If you're still thinking like that then you're worst than my grandma.
There's a significant difference between "startgate sg-1" and "stargate atlantis" and even hommer simpson can spot it.
Here's a funny story .. the situation went some thing like this : My accountant "friend" used to tell me (he did that in several occasions) and I quote "I have written some class projects in C when I was in high school.. So I know how it is ..it's actually quite easy.. I could make websites better than you do if I wanted to". Eventually I stop being friends with him. The difference between "You could do" and "You did or do" is quite big. But with the narrow mind that he had, he repeatedly failed to understand that.
Have respect for the "Computer Geek" next to you. The possibilities are he could be earning way more than you but still wears faded jeans not flashy suits.. he may very likely be your boss rather than "the guy from IT". Even hardcore advertising has has shifted from the age of "Mad Men" to "Facebook" and DMS based.
So, wake up. Before you address someone as "Coder" just because you see him writing "computer language" that you don't understand or care to understand, take the time to know the job title.
FYI .. for example, "I am a developer and I prefer to code in C#" ..is at least what you could say if you must describe me in layman's term.
We, the developers/programmer/computer scientists, are peaceful breed and don't shout around all the time doesn't mean we can't. It simply because we've respect for you and most likely have more important things to do other than shouting around to prove masculinity. We have other means to prove it .. like actually being better programmer or have better skillset than the next guy.
In one sentence the point is "I don't call you a salesman just because you have degree in marketing or work in a ad agency so don't call me a coder just because I code in languages you do not understand".
Kapish ?
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