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Showing posts from May, 2020

Story of a Java application in the cloud on Heroku

Starting with a monolith application is not really uncommon. But when the demand arises it is important to have a plan or path to go distributed either a Big Bang change or phased approach. I took the phased approach and the phases sort of happened naturally (without even knowing the right technical terms, BUT the concept and vision was clear). I will try to tell the story in this post. Although I will use "sample app" and the tutorials I prepared for this is a "sample app", I have faced the scenarios in real life few years ago and learned a thing or two. I am using Heroku for this "sample app" but this can also be implemented in AWS or Azure. I am sure there's always a better way of doing it, but this is how I have approached it.   Firstly, let's set some functional specification for our "sample app": The app will take request from the user (there's no restriction on how many users can request the app in a given second.) via browser....