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Showing posts from March, 2015

Sitecore - Module based approach

​ Okay so this is something I picked up from a recent developer group thingy and have been annoying my colleagues about this since then. Instead of thinking Sitecore as one project (MVC) solution why not treat it like a module/deliverable based implementation. I have created a sample solution which is here:   The idea is pretty simple (Just like DDD pattern): You get a rough idea of the entire implementation like what are the  deliverable , functionalities etc etc and group them. Then just like the way you plan renderings on your page you plan bunch of different modules to implement in your solution. In my case I divided my sitecore implementation into the following modules: 1.       The core: This module contains the layouts and core renderings. In my case 1 standard layout that just defines the top level placeholders. Like header, footer, content etc. And a “_Ma...