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Showing posts from June, 2014

Customising Sitecore's Rich Text Editor. R u Kidding me?

theProblem: The front end ( html and css ) is set up such a way that for the description text form a sitecore content needs to have a <p> tag wrapped around it.  Now, I'm sure just by reading the above 2 lines you are thinking "WOW that's really simple and every RTE does that by default. So, continuing to reading this is useless and this guy is clearly dumb enough." "sayth whath" - said thor Well Yes and No. This is what I found: So by default the RTE wraps texts in a <p> tag =  TRUE.  BUT the catch is you will need to hit a enter or copy paste multiple paragraph. Then the RTE will clean the HTML and in the process it will wrap each para in a <p> tag. NICE. Of course there's a setting for it that you can modify and instead of <p> you can have <br/> and so. <setting name="HtmlEditor.LineBreak" value="p" /> And no you can't have anything that you want there.. there's a limit...